Immunization Matters! We Recognize National Immunization Month

Posted by Maryvale on Aug 23, 2022 7:16:10 PM

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National Immunization Awareness Month is a great time to check in on the standard vaccines that children and families should receive regularly. Many of these routine vaccines have fallen by the wayside since the pandemic began. Over the past two years, there has been an alarming drop in pediatric vaccinations that are, in normal years, an unquestioned component of back-to-school season and business as usual. Between 2016 and 2019, about 66% of children aged five months in the United States were up to date for all CDC-recommended pediatric vaccines. By May 2020, that number fell to under 50%. On a global scale, there are 25 million children who have missed basic vaccines in 2020 and 2021, making them highly vulnerable to diseases such as Diphtheria, mumps, measles, rubella, and tetanus. This represents the largest slide in pediatric vaccine uptake in over three decades. 


At Maryvale, we take children’s health and wellness seriously. We believe in keeping preventable illnesses at bay with regular immunizations and advocate for healthy boosters where they apply. Wherever possible, our staff encourages parents to schedule appointments for routine vaccinations and to stay on top of the vaccines a child needs to be appropriately protected in the classroom and beyond. 


In Los Angeles County, children entering early childhood education programs, preschool, and K-12 schools need to be immunized for the following diseases:


  • Polio. The Polio vaccine consists of four shots, administered when a child is two months old, four months old, 6-18 months old, and 4-6 years old. Recently, an unvaccinated 20-year-old became the first person to test positive for Polio in the United States in 10 years. This deadly disease is almost a non-issue for American children and can continue to be kept at bay as long as parents adhere to the vaccine schedule.
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Whooping cough. The DTaP (or TDap) vaccine protects children against all three of these illnesses. DTaP is only for children younger than seven years old. The CDC recommends that children have five doses of DTaP when they are two months old, four months old, six months old, 15–18 months old, and 4–6 years old.
  • Hepatitis B. Infants should receive the first dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours of birth, according to the World Health Organization. Two additional shots in the Hep B vaccine series must be completed one month and six months of age. 
  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. The MMR vaccine safely prevents all three of these diseases. Children should receive two doses of the MMR vaccine, beginning with the first dose when they are 12-15 months old and the second dose when they are 4-6 years old. 
  • Chicken Pox, also known as Varicella. Children should receive their first dose of the Varicella vaccine when they are 12-15 months old and their second dose when they are 4-6 years old.

It is also wise for pregnant mothers to ensure that they are up to date on vaccines to stay healthy and reduce their risk of illness. Women should receive the MMR vaccine at least one month before pregnancy begins. Pregnant women should get a Tdap vaccine during the third trimester, as should the baby’s father and any other close family members or friends who will be in close proximity to the baby during its earliest months. The same is true of the flu vaccine, which both parents and all caregivers should receive well before flu season sets in, ideally before the end of October.

The Maryvale family believes in protecting the health and wellness of the children in our community above all else. We encourage parents and families to follow the recommended vaccine schedules and to do everything they can to protect young children from preventable diseases. 

In alignment with our Mission and commitment to keeping kids healthy, Maryvale’s Early Childhood Education Centers recently partnered with the Los Angeles Department of Public Health and hosted two successful COVID-19 vaccine clinics for the community on July 25th in Duarte, and on August 2nd in Rosemead. Our plan is to continue to partner with the Department of Public Health to host future clinics for additional vaccine doses and boosters, as well as health education opportunities.

In addition to providing on-site immunizations, Maryvale strives to keep children healthy by providing our children and families in our community with healthy meals. COVID-19 and the impacts of the pandemic have resulted in a significant increase in food insecurity and scarcity. Families who were once able to access healthy meals are finding themselves in need of support. Maryvale provides the children in our programs with the majority of the nutrition they receive in a day. Our children are provided a healthy breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack. We serve meals that include a variety of culturally diverse, colorful, and flavorful foods. Children receive milk at each meal, in addition to fresh vegetables and fruit. We serve 100% juice, whole wheat enriched grains, and partner with a nutritionist who approves our menus. Infants receive freshly pureed baby food from fresh fruits and veggies, as well as lean meats. Sadly, our teachers often observe behaviors in the classroom which indicate children may not have enough to eat at home. This may be because they are requesting additional servings and don’t know when they are full, or they hide food in their pockets or cubbies, or they ask the teacher if they can take food home for their family. In these instances, Maryvale uses donated funds to ensure that our families have what they need to nourish their children and themselves when they are not in our care. We also connect our families to WIC, CalFresh, and other local community partners that distribute food. If your family is facing food insecurity, there are resources in your area. You can go to, where you can enter your zip code and get connected with local resources for food, housing, and healthcare.

Raising a healthy child takes a village. We are proud to offer comprehensive services that support children and families in our community to live positive, healthy lives. We do everything we can to provide for our community – in certain cases, we subsidize the cost of preschool for children ages 0-5. To learn more about enrolling your child at Maryvale, get in touch.  We look forward to welcoming your family into our community.

Topics: Immunization
