Join Us in Honoring National Health Center Week

Posted by Maryvale on Aug 8, 2023 12:41:02 PM



Community Health Centers are responsible for offering vital care for over 30 million Americans each year. This week – August 6-12– Maryvale is excited to join in observing National Health Center Week, a moment to shine a spotlight on health centers’ critical role in providing accessible and comprehensive healthcare to underserved populations, particularly in low-income communities. These community-based facilities are beacons of hope, offering high-quality medical services, preventative care, and holistic support to individuals and families who may face barriers to healthcare. As we commemorate this week, it is crucial to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of health centers in improving the well-being of the most vulnerable among us.


Community health centers demonstrate what is possible when local healthcare providers show up for the people living in their immediate surroundings. Whether they provide clinical services for unhoused people, offer vaccines, or make primary care services available, health centers bring hope, health, and a sense of belonging to the people who need them most.


In low-income communities, access to healthcare can be a significant challenge. Financial constraints, lack of insurance, language barriers, and transportation issues can create serious obstacles that prevent individuals from seeking essential medical services. Health centers are designed to overcome these barriers by providing comprehensive care that is affordable, culturally competent, and conveniently located within the community. Health centers are not only committed to treating illnesses but also to promoting overall well-being through a comprehensive approach to healthcare. They emphasize preventive care, health education, and support services that address the unique needs of individuals in low-income communities. The impact of health centers extends far beyond medical care. Community health centers work tirelessly to enhance the quality of life for individuals and families by promoting health and well-being. Many health centers actively engage with the community they serve. They collaborate with local organizations, schools, and social services to create a network of support that addresses the multifaceted needs of their patients. In these ways, these centers play a crucial role in reducing health disparities in low-income communities.


Each day during Health Center Week, the organizers spotlight their focus on a particular topic or community. Yesterday was focused on healthcare for people experiencing homelessness; this Saturday will focus on children’s health. Of the millions of Americans who depend upon community health centers for primary care, children make up about 8 million. Our work constantly reminds us that physical and mental well-being are intertwined and that for children, having their physical needs met sets them up for positive participation in the classroom, in social interactions, and in life. Here are some fun resources to check in on your child’s health – activities as simple as handwashing, setting up immunizations, and scheduling regular doctor’s visits can help you and your family feel connected to this important community moment. 


Community support and programs that benefit the most vulnerable in our city inform how we work, who we serve, and the outcomes we can achieve for children, teens, and their families in need of mental health services. We share in health centers’ challenges and opportunities to provide trauma-informed healing pathways that give people agency and autonomy in seeking care and a positive direction for their lives. We are grateful for our many community affiliates in the health and wellness space and celebrate their work this Health Center Week and every week.

Topics: National Health Center Week
