The Unique Struggle of Homeless Mothers

Posted by Maryvale on Nov 2, 2023 12:24:46 PM


November is National Homelessness Month, a time to dedicate ourselves and our communities to raising awareness about the issue of homelessness and its impact on individuals and communities. This observance is significant to Maryvale, where we have made it our mission to protect and care for unhoused people – especially mothers and children – for over 165 years. National Homelessness Month asks us all to recognize that homelessness is a significant issue affecting many individuals and families in Los Angeles and throughout the country. No one should have to experience homelessness, and unhoused people should not carry the blame. Factors like poverty, job loss, lack of affordable housing, mental illness, and addiction can contribute to homelessness. 


While under-resourced groups of Americans - immigrants, people of color, and victims of abuse – are more likely to experience homelessness, it can affect anyone, regardless of their age, gender, or background. Homeless individuals face numerous challenges and often experience stigma and discrimination. National Homelessness Month underscores the importance of treating them with dignity, respect, and empathy.


It is key to understand that homelessness is not inevitable – it is a societal problem rather than an individual failing. Homelessness can be prevented and ended with the proper support and resources. By recognizing the scale of the problem, its causes, and the importance of prevention, we believe in a collective path forward. At Maryvale, we believe in addressing the specific needs of homeless mothers, whose unique struggles shed new light on the nuances of being unhoused. 


How Homeless Mothers Navigate Their Struggles 

One of the most pressing issues that homeless mothers face is the constant struggle to find safe and stable shelter for themselves and their children. In a city like Los Angeles, where housing costs are exorbitant, securing affordable accommodation can feel impossible. As a result, many homeless mothers find themselves living on the streets or in overcrowded shelters, putting the safety of their children at risk. Homeless mothers and their children are vulnerable to violence and exploitation in these settings. Ensuring the safety of their family becomes a paramount concern. The fear of assault and abuse, both physical and psychological, hangs heavy over their heads, leading to compounded stress and putting them at a high risk of mental health instability.


Accessing reliable and affordable childcare services is an uphill battle. The absence of proper childcare options makes it exceptionally challenging for them to seek employment, attend job training programs, or even find respite. Juggling the role of caregiver while trying to secure basic necessities is an exhausting endeavor that perpetuates the cycle of homelessness.


Homeless mothers often grapple with inadequate access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and a safe space to bathe. These essentials could help them maintain personal hygiene, especially for their children. The absence of such resources can lead to health problems, making an already challenging situation even worse.


While social services do exist for homeless individuals and families, finding a way to access them can be a daunting task. The lack of awareness about available resources, coupled with the scarcity of social workers, often leaves homeless mothers without the support they desperately need. Homeless mothers often face societal stigma and discrimination, further isolating them and making it difficult to access help or find employment. Enrolling their children in school and ensuring they receive a proper education can be a constant struggle for homeless mothers. Frequent moves and unstable living conditions disrupt their children’s education, creating additional barriers to escaping the cycle of homelessness that affect their children’s lives well beyond their early years.


The stress, trauma, and uncertainty associated with homelessness can take a significant toll on the mental health of homeless mothers. Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues often go unaddressed due to limited access to mental health services, perpetuating a cycle of suffering.


At Maryvale, we believe that we must recognize unhoused single mothers’ particular challenges and work to provide the necessary support and resources to help them regain their footing. Our Seton House program offers safe, temporary housing for single mothers, empowering them with tools and guidance to help change the trajectory of their lives. By creating opportunities and meeting their basic needs, including nutritious meals, childcare, mental health support, and life skills training, we can deliver the best of Maryvale’s well-established practices to our local community, where housing inequality is soaring. Learn more about Seton House and consider making a tax-deductible donation to enable us to deliver this life-changing program.

Topics: Homelessness
