Today is the Perfect Day to Play Outside

Posted by Maryvale on Jul 5, 2023 1:52:52 PM



Did you know that the first Saturday of every month is nationally recognized as ‘Play Outside Day?’ In today’s fast-paced world, where screens dominate adults’ lives and stress levels continue to rise, it is crucial to recognize the importance of spending time outdoors and soaking up the sun’s rays. If you’re looking for that extra little bit of encouragement to get outside with your child, we’ve got you covered. 


How Our Bodies and Brains Benefit from Outdoor Playtime


Engaging in outdoor activities and basking in the sun offers numerous mental health benefits for both children and adults. From reducing stress and anxiety to improving our moods and boosting cognitive function, the great outdoors provides a natural remedy for our well-being. Fresh air and exposure to nature create a calming effect on the mind. Scientific research has shown that outdoor activities promote the production of endorphins, our brain’s natural feel-good chemicals, leading to reduced stress and enhanced relaxation. Whether it’s going for a hike, playing in a park, or simply lounging in the backyard, being outdoors allows us to escape the pressures of daily life and find solace in the natural world.


Being outdoors has a remarkable impact on our mood, and sunlight plays a crucial role in regulating our emotional well-being. Sunlight exposure stimulates the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps stabilize mood and promote feelings of happiness and contentment. Children and adults who spend more time outside and bask in the sun often report increased feelings of joy, improved overall mood, and reduced symptoms of depression. A dose of nature and sunshine can be a powerful antidote to the challenges of everyday life.


Children Need Time Outdoors to Support Healthy Development


Children, in particular, benefit immensely from outdoor play and sun exposure. With the rise of technology, children spend more time indoors, which can harm their physical and mental health. By going outside, children can benefit from a double dose of goodness: the combination of play and sun offers powerful child development benefits, such as:


  • Sensory Stimulation: The outdoor environment offers a wealth of sensorial experiences that engage children’s senses in a natural and unfiltered way. They can see vibrant colors, hear different sounds, feel various textures, smell nature’s aromas, and even taste fresh foods. This multi-sensory stimulation helps children make connections and deepen their understanding of the world around them.
  • Experiential Learning: Outdoor spaces provide opportunities for hands-on, experiential learning. Children can actively explore and experiment with their surroundings, which promotes a deeper understanding of concepts and fosters problem-solving skills. For example, they can observe plants and animals in their natural habitats, participate in gardening or farming activities, or engage in nature-based experiments.
  • Physical Development: Outdoor play encourages children to move their bodies, which supports their gross motor skills and overall physical development. Climbing, running, jumping, and balancing all contribute to the development of strength, coordination, and spatial awareness. The outdoors promotes a healthier and more active lifestyle by providing ample space and freedom to move, positively impacting children’s physical well-being.
  • Social Interaction: Being outdoors often involves social interaction and collaboration among children. Whether engaging in group games, building forts, or working on a shared project, outdoor play fosters teamwork, communication, and negotiation skills. Children learn to share, take turns, resolve conflicts, and build relationships while engaging with their peers in an unstructured and natural setting. These social interactions develop crucial interpersonal skills that are valuable throughout their lives.
  • Curiosity and Inquiry: The natural world is full of wonders that ignite children’s curiosity and encourage them to ask questions. The outdoor environment provides endless opportunities for exploration, discovery, and inquiry-based learning. Children can investigate bugs, observe the changing seasons, study weather patterns, and cultivate a natural sense of wonder and curiosity.
  • Mental health: Exposure to natural light, fresh air, and open spaces promotes reduced stress, happier mood, increased attention span, and enhanced creativity. When children feel calm, content, and refreshed, they are better able to focus, absorb new information, and approach learning with an open mind.

The mental health benefits of being outdoors and playing in the sun cannot be overstated. For children and adults, spending time in nature and soaking up the sun’s rays offers many advantages. From stress reduction and enhanced mood to improved cognitive function and a deeper connection with the natural world, the great outdoors provides a much-needed respite from the demands of daily life. So gather your family, put down your screens, step outside, and allow nature’s healing embrace to nourish your mind and body.


At Maryvale, we believe in approaching mental health and early childhood learning by welcoming students to show up as whole people, which includes dedicating time and attention to self-care. Learn more about our holistic approach to mental health. 
