Emotional Wellness for the Whole Family

Posted by Maryvale on Oct 19, 2023 7:00:00 AM


Emotional wellness is a practice and a process that is worth taking time to explore, no matter your age. With more than 50 million Americans dealing with some sort of mental illness, it is vital to consider the practices people can incorporate into their daily lives to promote positivity, feelings of joy, connection, and strength. Culture can often focus on the many things going wrong in the world, and it takes a dedicated practice of cultivated care to prepare people of all ages and with all sorts of lived experiences to cope with daily life and tap into their inner resilience. 


At Maryvale, we recognize the value in looking at emotional wellness as an active process through which people make conscious choices toward a more positive life. This process calls on us to become intentional agents of our feelings and reactions and to cultivate strength and inner power so that we can continue to thrive, no matter what life throws our way. 


Emotional wellness will not happen on its own – and it takes a concerted desire to feel good and do good in the world for people to feel its full benefits. Prioritizing emotional wellness for both parents and young children is crucial for creating a healthy and supportive family environment. The more emotionally present and safe young people feel in their homes, the more likely they are to engage fully in learning experiences at school and to cultivate valuable social bonds in their communities. There are many different ways that parents can prioritize emotional wellness for their children, starting with taking good care of themselves. Parents are busy people who often make enormous sacrifices for their families. It is valuable that they recognize that taking care of their own emotional well-being is essential. Parents should prioritize self-care activities that help them relax and recharge, whether it’s reading, exercising, meditation, or spending time with friends. On a basic level, eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and making time for sleep can offer tremendous benefits, as physical well-being is closely connected to emotional well-being. Establishing routines can create stability and predictability for parents and their children, reducing stress.


 Self-care also requires parents to establish clear boundaries between work, personal time, and family time. The more they can avoid bringing work-related stress into family life, the more families will benefit from a sense of present togetherness. When it feels impossible to honor the boundaries between home life and work or other daily stresses, it might be time to seek support elsewhere. Friends, family, or a therapist can offer opportunities to talk about emotional challenges, process them, and find solutions. If you’re a parent, be kind and patient with yourself. Parenting is challenging, and it’s normal to make mistakes. Recognize that you are doing your best. 


There are many ways to support children in their emotional development. Here are some tips to consider: 

  • Pay attention to your child’s emotional cues and respond to them with empathy. Validate their feelings, whether they’re happy, sad, or frustrated.
  • Foster a secure attachment with your child through physical affection, eye contact, and responsive caregiving. A secure attachment can help them feel safe and emotionally supported.
  • Encourage open and honest communication with your child. Create an environment where they feel comfortable expressing their feelings and thoughts.
  • Teach emotional literacy by helping your child identify and label their emotions. Read books, watch videos, or play games that teach emotional vocabulary.
  • Allow your child ample time for unstructured play. Play is how young children often process their emotions and develop social and emotional skills.
  • Be mindful of screen time and prioritize face-to-face interactions. Excessive screen time can interfere with emotional development.
  • Use positive reinforcement and praise to boost your child’s self-esteem and emotional well-being. Recognize and celebrate their achievements, no matter how small.
  • Teach your child how to cope with challenging emotions constructively. Encourage problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills.
  • Spend quality one-on-one time with your child, engaging in activities they enjoy. This strengthens your bond and provides opportunities for emotional connection.
  • Model healthy emotional regulation. Children learn by observing their parents. Demonstrate healthy emotional expression by talking openly about your feelings, both positive and negative, and how you manage them.

Remember that emotional wellness is an ongoing process for both parents and children. It is essential to create and sustain a nurturing, supportive family environment where everyone’s emotional needs are acknowledged and valued. Seek professional help if you or your child is experiencing persistent emotional challenges that may require therapeutic intervention.


At Maryvale, we create a positive, healthy experience for children and families in our community. Learn more about our mental health services and the many ways we support people to live affirming, growth-oriented lives. 

Topics: Emotional Wellness
