Self-Care Matters this August

Posted by Maryvale on Aug 4, 2023 10:19:35 AM


Have you given yourself permission to slow down and tap into your feelings lately? Deep breaths can feel ultra-important this time of year. August brings with it the celebration of two important themes: Self-Awareness Month and Recovery from Addiction Month. At Maryvale, we believe that these observances are related and can both be experienced through the powerful practice of self-care. Self-awareness is the foundation upon which recovery from addiction is built, and self-care is the key that unlocks the doors to healing and transformation. No matter how you relate to recovery and self-awareness in your life, self-care plays an essential role in fostering personal growth and well-being.


The Journey to Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the process of introspection and self-reflection that enables individuals to recognize their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and underlying motivations. It involves gaining a deep understanding of one's strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. The journey to self-awareness requires courage and a willingness to face both the light and shadow aspects of oneself. Here are some practical self-care exercises to help you cultivate self-awareness:


  • Tap into mindfulness practices. Set aside time each day for reflection by finding a quiet space, getting comfortable, and observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Mindfulness practices can help you become more present and aware of the present moment.
  • Keep a journal to record your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Writing can help you gain insights into your inner world and thought patterns. Use the journal as a safe space to explore your feelings, worries, and aspirations.
  • Pay attention to situations or events that trigger strong emotional responses. Identifying your triggers can help you understand underlying emotions or unresolved issues that need attention.
  • Practice active listening when engaging in conversations with others. Be fully present, listen without interrupting, and seek to understand their perspectives. This practice improves communication and also enhances your ability to connect with others.
  • Express yourself through physical self-care. Prioritizing physical health through regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep is crucial for those who want to feel fully embodied and present. Engaging in physical activities boosts endorphins and reduces stress, contributing to a more stable emotional state.
  • Reflect on your values and beliefs and how they influence your actions and decisions. Understanding your core values can help you align your choices with what truly matters to you.
  • Take inventory of your strengths and weaknesses. Acknowledging your strengths and areas for improvement allows you to leverage your strengths and work on personal growth. As you do this, be kind and compassionate with yourself. Self-awareness can bring up uncomfortable feelings, but practicing self-compassion allows you to approach your inner world with gentleness and understanding.

Remember that self-awareness is not achieved overnight; it is an ongoing process of growth and discovery. It is important to approach self-awareness with a curious and open mind. Be willing to explore aspects of yourself that may be unknown or difficult to face, and be patient with yourself so that you can allow the journey to unfold at its own pace. 


Connecting Self-Awareness and Addiction Recovery


In the context of addiction recovery, self-awareness is a powerful tool. It allows people to recognize destructive behavior patterns, triggers, and the underlying emotional wounds contributing to addiction. By understanding the root causes of their addictive tendencies, individuals can begin to break free from the cycle of dependency and pave the way for lasting transformation. Many individuals turn to addiction as a coping mechanism to numb emotional pain, trauma, or feelings of inadequacy. Without self-awareness, individuals may remain trapped in their addictive behaviors, unaware of the underlying issues that need addressing.


Self-awareness gives individuals in recovery the clarity to identify their triggers, cravings, and emotional vulnerabilities. Empowered with this understanding, they can develop healthier coping strategies and proactively manage their emotions and cravings. Self-awareness enables individuals to take responsibility for their actions, make informed choices, and cultivate resilience in facing challenges.


As we observe Self-Awareness Month and Recovery from Addiction Month this August, we recognize the profound connection between these themes and the significance of self-care in the recovery journey. Self-awareness serves as the catalyst for personal growth and transformation, enabling individuals to break free from negative behaviors. By incorporating self-care practices into their lives, those in recovery can nourish their bodies, minds, and spirits, fostering a sense of empowerment and resilience. At Maryvale, we believe in promoting self-awareness and self-care as guiding principles so that our community can look forward to healing, hope, and newfound strength wherever they are on their mental health journey. Learn more about how we support young people and their families through comprehensive mental health services, including wraparound support for those who need it. 

Topics: Self-Care
