This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, a time to confront pervasive issues around how food and body image issues impact people, especially teenage girls and women. Eating disorders are increasingly common among children and teens and can have devastating effects that start during youth and last a lifetime. Observing Eating Disorder Awareness Week provides an opportunity for families and communities to come together, raise awareness, and support those affected by eating disorders.
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Eating healthy food and enjoying a nourished, energetic body may seem like simple facts of life. Unfortunately, for many young people, having a straightforward relationship with food is difficult. Our culture puts outsized pressure on physical appearances, and unrealistic beauty standards abound. As a result, adolescents often find themselves navigating the delicate balance between self-acceptance and norms that are completely detached from reality. Unfortunately, many teens resort to eating...
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Topics: eating disorder
This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, a time to recognize how deeply food and body image issues impact people, especially teenage girls. Eating disorders are increasingly common among children and teens and can have devastating effects that last a lifetime. Eating disorders are the third most prevalent type of chronic illness in teen girls – as many as 5% of girls will suffer from an eating disorder before their 18th birthday. While adolescent girls are the most likely to...
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